After five months’ painstakingly manufacture, a drum pulper, as a nation-leading and world-class large-sized pulping equipment, will be delivered to work site of annual capacity 1,000,000 Tons project of Zhejiang Jinli Environmentally Friendly Paper.

Zhejiang Jinli Environmentally Friendly Paper is located in Longyou County Economic Development Area of Zhejiang Province. All its equipment used in Phase I 300,000T packing paper project were supplied by Yunda, including conveying system, bale breaking system, drum pulping system, coarse screen system, fine screen system and approaching system.

Yunda neglected neither production nor epidemic prevention. Since work resumption, Yunda keeps customer-oriented. All staff work day and night to try their best to save more time. Apart from multiple strong measures to resume production capacity, Yunda also took initiative to coordinate production arrangement, supply and logistics, etc. to ensure the on-time delivery of orders.
The i-CTMP High Yield Pulping Production line of Shan Ying
Shandong Tianhe i-BCTMP pulping line upgrade project
Guangxi Sun Cultural Paper
Qianan Boda Cultural Paper
Vietnam Thuận An Paper PM8 Project
EG-Paper Packaging
400t/d Bamboo Fiber i-CTMP Project
Guangxi Kebao ZDG425 Drum Pulper
The Rebuild of IKPP OCC Line
Heng’an Group Paper Tissue Paper line